Go Brafree Hassle-free

Women, we all have the same experiences with bras.

You've sweat in your tightest bras on the hottest summer days. You've had those red marks from uncomfortable straps...the list goes on. Having to wear a bra everywhere truly sucks, and why should we?

Going bra-free is not an easy choice for many people. Personally, I love going braless. However, still living in a society where women's breasts are sexualized so often, most of the time I am self-conscious and uncomfortable having my nipples showing through shirts. So many women I know feel the same way—they hate bras but they feel they NEED to wear them. 

I became obsessed with the questions: Why should going out braless be such a task for women? Can't it be an easy and effortless routine? Like all men do, all women should be able to put on a T-shirt, go out and about, and just be ourselves.

After much thought and trials, NoBrablem was launched in March of 2021. Since then, we've been taking small steps to becoming a 100% bra-free lifestyle brand.

We hope to become a community of freedom-seeking girls, women, moms, minorities and LGBTQ, and together work towards a more free culture.

With lots of love,
Jenny Kim, Founder & Designer